Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why choose Amberhawk over other training providers?

Click here for details.

Q2: Where do I find details of the courses?

Go to the middle of the home page, click on the VIEW/BOOK button linked to the course you are seeking, and then you can:

  • see the course content for each day of your course plus the related course fees and course dates;
  • at the top of the page, you can follow a link to the relevant BCS Syllabus if you want to study the detail;
  • use our automated booking system (which allows one person to book for themselves and/or up to three other delegates).


Q3:  Do I need to know something about data protection before coming on the course?

There are no entrance requirements for either the Practitioner or Foundation courses.

Which course should I choose? What’s the difference between the Foundation and Practitioner courses?

The Foundation course is ideal for a broad overview of the whole data protection regime in the UK; this overview takes 16 hours of training.  The Practitioner course delves into the detailed nitty gritty; it is a practical course full of examples which illustrate how the law works. The course has over 40 hours of training.

So if you need a broad overview (e.g. a manager, auditor, security manager, a person who aids the person responsible for data protection compliance) then the Foundation course is for you.  If you are dealing with the detail of data subject rights, Privacy Notices, data sharing procedures, application to CCTV, HR or Marketing then choose the Practitioner.

If you are still unclear on your choice, use the “CONTACT” facility on the home page and a DP expert will call you to discuss your options.

How are courses delivered?

The courses are delivered in person and live-online (ZOOM) at the same time. If you want to attend in person, the course location is in central London (either near Chancery Lane Tube or Moorgate Tube). When you book the course, you will be informed of course location by our administrator.

We hold courses on Zoom to cater for those delegates, for example, who cannot travel easily to London or who may have childcare issues arising around the time of the course.

If you attend in person, and should a subsequent issue arise (e.g. your train is cancelled), all you need to Zoom into the course.  In this way, we have a degree of contingency that caters for most circumstances that may disrupt attendance during a course.

However, we do encourage attendance in person as that is the better training experience.

Q6: Will my tutor be experienced?

All tutors have considerable experience in the field, collectively over 70 years’ experience. Their CVs can be found at the bottom of the “ABOUT” page accessible from the top of the home page.

: What do delegates think of our courses?

Follow a link from the top of the home page to “TESTIMONIALS” from delegates who have previously attended the course you are interested in.

Q8: Can I see more cartoons?

YesJust click on the “SEE MORE” button next to the cartoon you a looking at.  A random number generator selects a new cartoon to appear every time you go to the Home Page or click on the button.  It is possible for the same random number to be selected consecutively, in which case the Cartoon does not change.  There are about 15 cartoons.

Q8: Anything else?

Use the “CONTACT” facility on the home page and an expert will call you to discuss your options.



Amberhawk’s teaching methodology focuses on understanding the subject matter because if delegates understand the subject, then meeting data protection obligations or sitting an exam should hold no fear.

Amberhawk provides better value for money because:

  • We spend more time on comprehensive training on practical aspects of the subject matter and, at the end of the course, on detailed examination techniques.
  • We have used our own training materials for years; these are updated on a regular basis and have stood the test of time.
  • We provide detailed revision notes, questions and case studies as homework throughout the training.
  • We provide exam-type mock exam questions with model answers so delegates can confidently acquire the relevant knowledge and exam techniques to pass the exam.
  • Training is delivered by recognised experts in the subject; they are able to answer any question put to them in class and to advise on practical solutions.
  • We provide access to tutors at all times during the course and revision and administrative support is “human” (rather than an AI chatbox).
  • We have an impressive collection of TESTIMONIALS that range across a large number of delegates from controllers in both private and public sector (see the link from the home page).

Choose the correct DP syllabus

Whatever training option you choose, your decision is not just about time and costs.  The objective is to ensure that you or your member of staff receives the best quality training from leading experts.  This maximises the chance of enhancing their knowledge and passing any exam with a good mark.

The syllabus is an important selection criteria. For example, IAPP’s CIPP/E is a Foundation Level Course, and its syllabus focuses on the European GDPR and raises general features common to all EU data protection law.  By contrast, Amberhawk’s courses focus on the detail of the UK’s version of the GDPR and the DPA2018 (and any later modification).

The BCS syllabus is unique in that the syllabus and exam are the responsibility of BCS; the training provider only covers the content of the syllabus.  This avoids the potential conflict of interest that arises when a training provider, syllabus producer and examiner is the same body.

Amberhawk’s new collaboration with Tenjin is aimed at producing a data protection qualification, focused on Education, which meets the data protection needs those working in UK schools and colleges.

In summary, it really is a question of “horses for courses” where the horse is the syllabus and the course is the quality of the training provider.

Make sure you take your time and back the right horse on the correct course!